Heart Arrhythmia and Palpitations!

  Heart disease is a term that applies to a large number of medical conditions relating to the heart. These medical conditions relate to the abnormal health conditions that directly…

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What Is Ischemic Cardiomyopathy?

Ischemic Cardiomyopathy! There are various types of Cardiomyopathy. Cardiomyopathy is when the heart's tissues or muscles become diseased and don't function properly. Heart disease is a huge health problem affecting…

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What Is Metabolic Syndrome? And What Are Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors?

What Is Metabolic Syndrome? Researchers have found certain variables play an important role in a person's chances of developing heart disease. These variables are called risk factors. In recent years,…

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What Is Marfan Syndrome? And What Are Marfan Syndrome Causes?

 What Is Marfan Syndrome?Marfan syndrome is a rare disorder that causes the connective tissue in the body to be weaker than it should be. Connective tissue is the material which…

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How To Live With Diabetes?

  One of the most dreaded diseases is diabetes. It is a killer disease and it is really very difficult to control. Going by the official US stats, diabetes is…

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What is Eucalyptus? And What Eucalyptus Herb Benefits?

 What is Eucalyptus?  Eucalyptus is an aromatic herb that has properties that provide great relief as a decongestant and an expectorant. For centuries Vick's which is made as a Eucalyptus…

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What Is Sage? And What Sage Herb Benefits?

What Is Sage?  Sage is a relative to the mint family. It is common for Sage to be ground, whole or rubbed but is generally in more of a coarse…

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What is Cilantro? and What Cilantro Herb Benefits?

What is Cilantro?Cilantro is a very fast growing herb which can be grown just about anywhere. It is a relative of the carrot family and is sometimes called Chinese parsley…

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What is Golden Seal? and What Golden Seal Herb Benefits?

What is Golden Seal?Golden Seal is a perennial herb that is part of the Buttercup family. Golden Seal is used for a lot of medicinal purposes in a variety of…

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What is Tarragon? and What Tarragon Benefits?

What is Tarragon?Tarragon is a relative to the Sunflower family and there are two different breeds of Tarragon, Russian and French. However, when you go shopping and pick up some…

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